Italian Language Course

This course is still being edited, and is very immature at this point. I've only put it up as a beta.

I need to integrate this into the course:


I am just starting this section, and this is my first section with a pronunciation guide, so there's not much here.
Italian has very specific rules about how to pronounce the letters C and G, depending on what latter follows them.

Letterfollowed byhard or softexample
c, ge, imakes the letter soft = ch, jciao (chow), cena (chena), giocco (joko), Genoa
c, ga, o, umakes the letter hard = ch, jciao (chow), cena (chena), giocco (joko), Genoa
ch, ghe, imakes the letter hard = k, gciao (chow), cena (chena), giocco (joko), Genoa
ch, gha, o, udoesn't exist? 
cc, gge, imakes the letter soft = ch, jciao (chow), cena (chena), giocco (joko), Genoa
cc, gga, o, umakes the letter hard = ch, jciao (chow), cena (chena), giocco (joko), Genoa

sc followed by e or i makes a "sh" sound.

sc followed by a, o, or u makes a "sk" sound.