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500 Spanish Irregular Verbs

[6] If the last syllable is a vowel, the 'u' gets an accent

  1. infatuar- to make conceited
  2. acentuar- to stress, to accent
  3. actuar- to act
  4. atenuar- to diminish, to ease
  5. conceptuar- to consider, to judge
  6. continuar- to continue
  7. extenuar- to exhaust, to drain
  8. insinuar- to insinuate
  9. perpetuar- to perpetuate

    [7] I'm not certain why this was listed as irregular

  10. adecuar- to adapt
  11. evacuar- to evacuate

    [8] I'm not certain why this was listed as irregular

  12. diferenciar- to distinguish
  13. paliar- to ease, relieve, justify
  14. abreviar- to shorten, to cut short, to hurry up
  15. acopiar- to gather, to buy up
  16. acuciar - to goad
  17. agenciar (algo a alguien)- to fix (somebody up with something)
  18. agraciar- to make more attractive
  19. cambiar- to change
  20. desprestigiar- to discredit
  21. asalariar- to take on
  22. comerciar- to trade
  23. agraviar- to offend
  24. anunciar- to announce, to herald
  25. columpiar- to swing
  26. despreciar- to scorn, to spurn
  27. apremiar- to urge
  28. apropiar a- to adapt to
  29. compendiar- to summarize
  30. arreciar- to get worse
  31. asociar- to associate
  32. concienciarse- to become aware
  33. contagiar- to infect, to transmit
  34. desperdiciar- to wate, to squander
  35. disociar (de)- to dissociate (from)
  36. distanciar- to drive apart
  37. escanciar- to serve, to pour out
  38. estudiar- to study
  39. evidenciar- to demonstrate
  40. intercambiar- to exchange
  41. limpiar- to clean, to wipe
  42. menospreciar- to scorn, to despise, to undervalue

    [9] If the last syllable is a vowel, the 'i' gets an accent

  43. fotografiar- to take a photograph of
  44. agriar- to turn sour {an alcohol oxidized to a carboxylic acid}
  45. aliar- to ally, to combine
  46. amnistiar- to grand amnesty to
  47. ampliar- to expand, to extend, to add an extension to
  48. aviar- to pack (suitcase, briefcase, etc.)
  49. biografiar- to write biography
  50. confiar- to confide
  51. criar- to breed
  52. descarriarse- to stray
  53. desvariar- to be delirious, to talk nonsense
  54. enviar- to send
  55. espiar- to spy on
  56. esquiar- to ski
  57. liar- to tie up, to wrap, to roll
  58. piar- to cheep, to peep
  59. radiar- to radiate, to irradiate
  60. radiografiar- to X-ray

    [10] If the conjugation adds an 'e' to the stem, then the 'c' is replaced by 'qu'

  61. platicar- to chat
  62. mascar- to chew
  63. amplificar- to amplify
  64. disecar- to dissect
  65. electrificar- to electrify
  66. clarificar- to clarify
  67. abroncar- to tell off
  68. apalancar- to open with lever
  69. calcificarse- to calcify
  70. aparcar- to park, to shelf
  71. amoscarse- to get in a huff
  72. suplicar- to plead
  73. justificar- to justify
  74. plastificar- to plasticize
  75. abanicarse- to fan oneself
  76. achacar- to attribute
  77. blocar- to block
  78. complicar- to complicate
  79. achicar- to make smaller, to bail out, to drain
  80. cualificar- to qualify
  81. adjudicar- to award
  82. certificar- to confirm
  83. ahorcarse- to hang oneself (judas)
  84. ahuecar- to cub, to hollow out
  85. conculcar- to infringe, to break
  86. contraatacar (yes there are two a's together)- to counterattack
  87. derrocar- to bring down, to overthrow
  88. desatascar- to unblock
  89. desatrancar- to unbolt, to unblock
  90. edificar- to build
  91. engrescar- to incite, to "egg on"
  92. fabricar- to manufacture, to build, to make
  93. enroscar- to screw in
  94. entresacar- to pick out
  95. explicar- to explain
  96. falsificar- to forge
  97. intensificar- to intensify
  98. lacar- to lacquer
  99. marcar- to mark
  100. mascar- to chew
  101. picar- to bite
  102. placar- to tackle
  103. plastificar- to plasticize
  104. provocar- to incite
  105. refrescar- to refresh, to chill
  106. sacar- to take out
  107. tocar- to touch, to play (instrument)
  108. unificar- to unite

    [11] if the conjugation adds an 'a' or an 'o' to the stem, then the 'c' is changed to 'z'

  109. mecer- to rock
  110. mecerse- to rock back and forth
  111. coercer- to restrict, to constrain
  112. ejercer- to practice, to exercise
  113. vencer- to beat, to defeat

    [12] if the conjugation adds an 'a' or an 'o' to the stem, then the 'c' is changed to 'z'

  114. zurcir- to darn (to sew up a sock hole is an example of darning)

    [13] if the conjugation adds an 'e' to the stem, then the 'z' is changed to 'c'

  115. enderezar- to straighten, put upright
  116. lanzar- to throw, hurl, launch, heave
  117. matizar- to distinguish, to explain in detail
  118. mediatizar- to determine
  119. aterrorizar- to terrorize
  120. exorcizar- to exorcize
  121. cauterizar- to cauterize (heat a wound to make it heal)
  122. castellanizar- to hispanisize
  123. desautorizar- to deny, ban, discredit
  124. abalanzarse sobre- to fall upon; abalanzarse hacia- to rush towards (predator verbs)
  125. abrazar- to embrace
  126. acorazar- to armor plate, to armour (the merrimac and the monitor)
  127. amordazar- to gag, muzzle
  128. banalizar- to trivialize
  129. adelgazar- to lose weight
  130. aterrizar- to land
  131. aderezar- to dress, season {you're adding spices to meat}
  132. agudizar- to sharpen, to make worse
  133. barnizar- to varnish, to glaze
  134. aguzar- to sharpen, to whet (an appetite)
  135. afianzar- to reinforce, to secure
  136. analizar- to analyze
  137. agilizar- to speed up
  138. agonizar- to be dying, to fizzle out, to suffer in agony
  139. cicatrizar- to scar over, to heal
  140. alborozar- to delight
  141. alcanzar- to reach
  142. civilizar- to civilize
  143. alcoholizar- to turn into an alcoholic
  144. alzar- to lift, raise, hoist
  145. cazar- to hunt
  146. americanizarse- to become americanized
  147. amerizar- to land at sea (the end of the line for an Apollo space trip)
  148. contabilizar- to enter
  149. cotizar- to quote, to price
  150. desembozar- to unmask, to uncover
  151. desenzarzar- to untangle
  152. desesperanzar- to cause to loose hope
  153. despedazar- to tear apart, to shatter
  154. desperezarse- to stretch
  155. destrozar- to smash, to shatter, to ruin
  156. disfrazar- to disguise
  157. enfatizar- to emphasize, to stress
  158. entrecruzar- to interweave, to interlock
  159. entrelazar- to interlace
  160. enzarzar- to entangle, to embroil
  161. especializar- to specialize
  162. esperanzar- to give hope to
  163. estimatizar- to scar, to stigmatize
  164. finalizar- to finish
  165. generalizar- to spread, to generalize
  166. gozar- to enjoy
  167. hechizar- to cast a spell on
  168. idealizar- to idealize
  169. lanzar- to throw, to fling, to sling, to launch (multipurpose war verb)
  170. liofilizar- to free-dry
  171. magnetizar- to magnetize
  172. memorizar- to memorize
  173. psicoanalizar- to psychoanalyze
  174. punzar- to prick, to stab
  175. relativizar- to put into perspective
  176. rozar- to rub, to brush, to graze
  177. utilizar- to use

    [14] if the conjugation adds an 'a' or an 'o' to the stem, then the 'g' is changed to 'j'

  178. escoger- to choose
  179. acoger- to welcome, take in, receive
  180. coger- to take
  181. emerger- to emerge
  182. encoger- to shrink
  183. recoger- to pick up
  184. sobrecoger- to frighten, to startle

    [15] if the conjugation adds an 'a' or an 'o' to the stem, then the 'g' is changed to 'j'

  185. sumergir- to submerge, plunge, dip
  186. afligir- to afflict, to distress
  187. divergir- to diverge
  188. erigir- to erect, to build
  189. exigir- to demand, to call for
  190. infligir- to inflict, to impose
  191. refulgir- to shine brightly
  192. restringir- to limit, to restrict
  193. rugir- to growl
  194. surgir- to spring forth, to appear

    [16] if the conjugation adds an 'e' to the stem, then the 'g' is replaced by 'gu'

  195. castigar- to punish
  196. abogar- to plead
  197. abotargarse- to swell up
  198. abrigar- to wrap up, to keep warm
  199. abrogar- to repeal
  200. agregar- to add
  201. bogar- to row
  202. arrepanchingarse- to stretch out, to sprawl
  203. alargar- to lengthen
  204. aletargar- to make drowsy, to send to sleep
  205. amagar- to show signs of
  206. apagar- to put out, to put off, to extinguish
  207. apechugar- to put up with, to live with
  208. chocar- to crash
  209. apegarse- to become fond of
  210. arraigar- to establish, to take root
  211. catalogar- to catalog
  212. arriesgar- to risk, venture, suggest
  213. congregar- to congregate
  214. derogar- to repeal, to rescind
  215. desahogar- to vent, to relieve, to ease
  216. desarraigar- to banish
  217. desarrugar- to smooth out, to iron
  218. descabalgar- to dismount
  219. descargar- to unload, fire (pistol)
  220. desligar- to untie, to separate
  221. despechugarse- to bare one's breast
  222. divagar- to digress
  223. embriagar- to intoxicate
  224. excolmugar- to excommunicate
  225. fatigar- to tire, to weary
  226. halagar- to flatter
  227. instigar- to instigate
  228. juzgar- to judge
  229. largar- to pay out, to give
  230. litigar- to go to law
  231. llegar- to arrive
  232. madrugar- to get up early
  233. prodigar- to lavish
  234. sobrecargar- to overload
  235. tragar- to swallow

    [17] the 'u' disappears if the verb conjugation adds an 'a' or an 'o'

  236. distinguir- to distinguish
  237. extinguir- to put out, to extinguish

    [18] the 'u' disappears if the verb conjugation adds an 'a' or an 'o'

  238. delinquir- to commit a crime

    [19] the 'e' goes to 'ie' if the 'e' is in an accented syllable

  239. calentar- to heat up, to warm up, to turn on sexually
  240. acertar- to choose well
  241. acrecentar- to increase
  242. confesar- to confess
  243. alentar- to encourage
  244. apretar- to press, squeeze, tighten
  245. arrendar- to lend, to lease
  246. aventar- to fan
  247. cimentar- to solidify
  248. concertar- to agree on, to reach
  249. desalentar- to dishearten, to discourage
  250. deshelar- to thaw, to melt, to de-ice
  251. despertar- to wake, to arouse
  252. desterrar- to banish, to exile
  253. encerrar- to shut up, to shut in
  254. escarmentar- to learn one's lesson (I'm gonna teach you a lesson...)
  255. invernar- to winter, to hibernate
  256. mentar- to mention
  257. pensar- to think
  258. quebrar- to break
  259. sentar- to sit, to seat

    [20] the 'e' changes to 'ie' if it is in an accented syllable

  260. atender- to attend to
  261. cernir- to sift, to sieve
  262. condescender a- to consent to
  263. contender- to contend, to fight
  264. defender- to defend, to stand up for
  265. desatender- to neglect, to ignore
  266. descender- to go down
  267. distender- to ease, to slacken
  268. encender- to light, to arouse, to inflame
  269. extender- to stretch out, to
  270. perder- to lose


  271. discernir- to distinguish, to discern
  272. concernir- to concern


  273. adquirir- to acquire, to purchase
  274. proferir- to utter, to hurl (insults)

    [23] the 'o' changes to 'ue' if the 'o' occurs in a stressed syllable

  275. discordar- to clash (conflict of colors)
  276. acordar (hacer algo)- to agree (to do something)
  277. acostarse- to go to bed [tener relaciones sexuales]
  278. aprobar- to approve
  279. colar- to strain, to filter
  280. concordar- to agree, to reconcile
  281. comprobar- to check, to prove
  282. contar- to count, to tell
  283. costar- to cost
  284. denostar- to insult
  285. desaprobar- to disapprove of, to reject
  286. descontar- to deduct
  287. discordar- to clash
  288. encontrar- to find, to encounter
  289. engrosar- to swell
  290. mostrar- to show
  291. poblar- to settle, to colonize
  292. recordar- to remember
  293. reencontrar- to find again
  294. tronar- to thundar

    [24] 'o' changes to 'ue' if the 'o' occurs in the accented syllable

  295. absolver- to acquit
  296. condolerse- to feel pity
  297. conmover- to move, to touch
  298. devolver algo- to give something back
  299. disolver- to dissolve, to break up
  300. doler- to hurt
  301. envolver- to wrap up, to wind
  302. llover- to rain
  303. morder- to bite, to eat into
  304. promover- to set up, to stir up
  305. revolver- to turn around

    [25] o -> ue or sometimes o -> u

  306. dormir- to put to bed
  307. dormirse- to go to bed
  308. morir- to die

    [26] e -> i in some instances: no pattern listed

  309. henchir- to fill, to fill up
  310. ceñir- to be tight on, to embrace
  311. comedirse- to be restrianed
  312. concebir- to imagine, to plan
  313. derretir- to melt, to thaw
  314. desmedirse- to go to far, to go over the top
  315. despedir- to say goodby to
  316. expedir- to send, to dispatch, to issue
  317. henchir- to fill / to fillup
  318. impedir- to prevent
  319. pedir- to ask for, to order
  320. preconcebir- to preconceive

    [27] 'e' could go to 'ie' or 'i'

  321. injerir- to introduce, to insert
  322. advertir- to notice, to warn
  323. consentir- to allow, to permit
  324. desmentir- to deny
  325. diferir- to postpone, to put off
  326. digerir- to digest, to assimilate
  327. disentir- to disagree
  328. divertir- to entertain, to amuse
  329. hervir- to boil
  330. ingerir- to consume, to ingest
  331. interferir- to jam, to interfer
  332. invertir- to reverse, to invert
  333. malherir- to injure seriously
  334. mentir- to lie
  335. preferir- to prefer
  336. referir- to tell, recount

    [28] the reír verbs

  337. freír- to fry
  338. reír- to laugh
  339. sonreír- to laugh

    [29] c -> zc if an 'a' or an 'o' is added to the stem by the conjugation

  340. complacer- to please
  341. nacer- to be born
  342. pacer- to graze

    [30] the 'c' changes to 'zc' if the conjugation gives the stem an 'a' or an 'o'

  343. aborrecer- to abhor, to loathe
  344. adolecer de- to suffer from
  345. adormecerse- to nod off to sleep {student in library who didn't sleep night before}
  346. agradecer- to thank
  347. amanecer- to dawn
  348. compareceer- to appear
  349. aparecer- to appear, show up
  350. crecer- to grow
  351. decrecer- to decrease, to decline
  352. desaparecer- to disappear
  353. desfallecer- to be exhausted
  354. desmerecer- to be unworthy, to lose value
  355. desvanecer- to dissipate, to dispel
  356. embravecer- to enrage
  357. enaltecer- to praise
  358. encallecer- to become calloused, to become hard
  359. encanecer- to go grey
  360. endurecer- to harden, to strengthen
  361. engrandecer- to exalt, to increase, to enlarge
  362. enloquecer- to drive mad
  363. enmudecer- to silence
  364. enrarecer- to pollute
  365. enriquecer- to bring wealth to
  366. enrojecer- to redden
  367. fallecer- to die, to pass away
  368. entorpecer- to hinder (movement)
  369. entristecer- to make sad
  370. envilecer- to debase
  371. fortalecer- to strengthen,
  372. escarnecer- to mock, to ridicule
  373. esclarecer- to clear up, to shed some light on
  374. estremecer- to shake
  375. fenecer- to pass away, to die
  376. florecer- to flower, to flourish
  377. guarecer- to protect
  378. humedecir- to moisten
  379. oscurecer- to darken, to overshadow
  380. palidecer- to turn pale
  381. prevalecer- to prevail


  382. conocer- to know


  383. lucir- to shine

    [33] c -> zc if the conjugation adds an 'a' or an 'o' to the stem; some c -> j changes in the subjunctive

  384. aducir- to adduce, to bring forward in argument, to cite as pertinent or conclusive
  385. deducir- to deduce
  386. inducir- to induce
  387. introducir- to introduce
  388. producir- to produce
  389. reducir- to reduce
  390. traducir- to translate


  391. comenzar- to start, to begin
  392. empezar- to begin, to start

    [35] two changes: it will be better just to show the complete conjugations

  393. plegar- to fold
  394. abnegarse- to deny oneself
  395. desplegar- to unfold, to spread open
  396. estregar- to rub
  397. fregar- to wash, to scrub
  398. negar- to deny
  399. regar- to water

    [36] trocar- was not listed in the dictionary


  400. almorzar- to have for lunch
  401. reforzar- to reinforce


  402. avergonzar- to shame, embarras

    [39] two changes, one involving changing u to ue and the other adding a u to the ending

  403. colgar- to hang
  404. descolgar- to take down, to take off the hook
  405. holgar- to be unnecessary
  406. rogar- to beg, to ask


  407. jugar- to play


  408. escocer- to sting
  409. torcer- to twist, to bend


  410. colegir de- to infer from
  411. elegir- to choose

    [43] seguir verbs

  412. conseguir- to obtain, to get
  413. proseguir- to continue
  414. seguir- to follow


  415. argüir- to argue,to prove, to demonstrate

    [45] the 'u' changes to 'ü' if the conjugation gives the stem an 'a', an 'e', or an 'o'

  416. aguar- to water down
  417. amortiguar- to muffle, soften, cushion
  418. apaciguar- to calm down, to soothe (got to love that valium)
  419. atestiguar- to testify to
  420. averiguar- to find out
  421. fraguar- to forge
  422. menguar- to decrease, to diminish


  423. agorar- was not listed in the dictionary


  424. errar- to choose wrong


  425. desosar- was not listed in the dictionary


  426. oler- to smell


  427. poseer- to own, to possess
  428. proveer- to supply, to provide

    [51] 'ui' can change to 'uy' (no pattern established here)

  429. construir- to build, manufacture
  430. afluir a- to flow to, to flock to
  431. confluir- to converge, to meet
  432. contribuir- to contribute
  433. derruir- to demolish, to knock down
  434. destituir- to dismiss
  435. destruir- to destroy, to wreck, to demolish
  436. diluir- to dilute
  437. disminuir- to reduce, to decrease
  438. distribuir- to distribute
  439. fluir- to flow
  440. incluir- to include
  441. influir- to influence
  442. recluir- to lock away, to shut away
  443. reconstruir- to rebuild, to reconstruct
  444. rehuir- to avoid


  445. andar- to walk
  446. desandar- to go back over, to retrace the trail


  447. asir- to grasp, to take hold of


  448. caber- to fit


  449. caer- to fall
  450. recaer- to relapse


  451. dar- to give


  452. decir- to say[58]
  453. erguir- to erect, to raise up


  454. estar- to be (your location, how you feel that day, how you are that day, etc.)


  455. deshacer- to undo, to unpack, to destroy
  456. hacer- to do, to make
  457. rehacer- to do again, to rebuild
  458. satisfacer- to satisfy, to quench


  459. ir- to go


  460. oír- to hear


  461. placer- verb not listed; the noun means the pleasure


  462. poder- to be able to

    [65] poner verbs

  463. disponer- to arrange
  464. superponer- to superimpose
  465. componer- to compose
  466. contraponer- to set up
  467. deponer- to drop, to set aside
  468. descomponer- to rot, to decompose
  469. disponer- to arrange, to stipulate
  470. exponer- to expose, to exhibit
  471. imponer- to impose
  472. indisponer- to make upset
  473. interponer- to interpose, to put in
  474. oponer- to put up, to put forward
  475. predisponer- to predispose
  476. presuponer- to presuppose
  477. proponer- to propose
  478. recomponer- to repair, to mend
  479. suponer- to suppose

    [66] predecir verbs- no code given

  480. bendecir- to bless
  481. contradecir- to contradict
  482. maldecir- to curse
  483. predecir- to predict


  484. querer- to want


  485. raer- to scrape


  486. corroer- to corrode, to consume
  487. roer- to knaw
  488. saber- to know


  489. salir- to go out

    [72] tener verbs- no code given

  490. abstenerse- to abstain
  491. atenerse a-to stick to, to abide by
  492. contener- to contain, to restrain, to hold back
  493. detener- to arrest, to stop, to hold up, to delay
  494. obtener- to get, to win
  495. sostener- to support

    [73] traer verbs- no code given

  496. abstraer- to consider separately, to detach
  497. contraer- to contract, to acquire, catch
  498. distraer- to amuse, to entertain
  499. extraer- to extract
  500. maltraer- to maltreat
  501. traer- to bring


  502. prevaler- to prevail
  503. valer- to value

    [75] venir verbs- no code given

  504. convenir- to be suitable
  505. desavenirse- to fall out
  506. devenir en- to become, to turn into
  507. intervenir- to take part, to get involved
  508. prevenir- to prevent
  509. provenir de- to come from


  510. entrever- to barely see, to glimpse
  511. prever- to foresee, to anticipate


  512. yacer- to lie


  513. abolir- to abolish


  514. balbucear- to babble
  515. enderezarse to sit up straight


  516. desolar- to devestate, to lay waste
  517. despavorir- to to terrify


  518. soler- usually (it appears you conjugate soler and then follow it with an infinitive: suelo correr = Usually I run.)

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