- |
Facts: |
Created By: |
Dr. L. L. Zamenhof |
Created in: |
1887 |
Number of words: |
? |
Number of speakers: |
~ 2 million |
Trivia: He published under the pseudonym "Dr. Esperanto",
meaning "one who hopes", and this is the name that stuck as the name of
the language itself. (source: soc.culture.esperanto FAQ.) |
single-serving artificial language pages |
I just started researching Esperanto and am truly amazed. There is a lot of information out there and a lot of parallels with other things in life. I had no idea how old it was!
I picked up a Hungarian hitchhiker in Germany who was just working with some Germans that he had met through his Esperanto connections. They found him a job for the summer (he's a teacher) and housed him. He speaks only Esperanto with his daughter, but she speaks Hungarian at school and with friends. So these things are real, despite how outlandish it all sometimes seems.
If you really want to learn Esperanto, you can join a club, take a distance ed course, or take a summer course. To find out if there is a club near you, check the websites from the links below. The summer courses are offered in San Fransisco. Check out ELNA's list of ways to learn Esperanto
Esperanto course, by Languages Made Clear
UEA - Universal Esperanto Association
ELNA - Esperanto League for N. America
Esperanto-English Dictionary
English-Esperanto bicycle dictionary.
The first internet all Esperanto TV channel!
I couldn't get it to work on my computer (OS X), but there are instructions for Linux on there, and i think it uses Windows Media, sadly.
More Esperanto Language Links
Esperanto HyperCourse
Gerda malaperis French lessons for Esperanto
Cours Gratuit d'Espˇranto French lessons for Esperanto
Lernu! Many languages for lessons in Esperanto
Jancada has the start of an Esperanto language page
Esperanto Flashcards from flash card exchange
Esperanto bad words from insultmonger.com (warning: porn ads on some pages)
Concise Esperanto Dictionary (Teach Yourself). This is a good beginners dictionary. More thorough one-way dictionaries are available once you get better and need more detail. These may be purchased through national Esperanto organizations, some links are found above.
Esperanto Teach yourself.
Another book, "Teach Yourself Esperanto" by Cresswell and Hartley, is a
very useful introduction to the language. The "Teach Yourself" series
can often be found in regular bookstores.
Incubus DVD. Can you believe that William Shatner made a feature length film in Esperanto? It's the only one ever. It is a black and white horror film and is pretty interesting. I finally saw it. It is advertized as horror, but despite evil, demons, and killings, it's a very tame movie for today's standards. This is definitely a film that your friends won't be saying "Oh yeah, man. I've already seen this one." Here is a link to the Incubus web site. What a crazy guy. You know that he co-soloed an album, Spaced Out, with ol' Spockie, right? Both'em crazy.
Esperanto : Language, Literature, and Community
A wonderful overview of the Esperanto language. It includes the history as well as the linguistic structure. The book also discusses the body of literature in Esperanto, as well as th efforts in promoting it.
Esperanto Learning and Using the International Language.
This book seemed to be the most popular book amongst amazon customers for learning Esperanto for beginners. Definitely a good place to start.
Esperanto Complete Course with Book
Also recommended highly, with the exception of some compaints of redundancy. Overall this book is another great choice for beginners.
Being Colloquial in Esperanto : A Reference Guide.
A fun, useful book. Once you have started with one of the other books, move on to this one te get farther ahead. The only complaint that anyone had about this book, was that the language felt a little dated.