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4 sections in one printable booklet, with over 100 words and phrases total. |
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2-3 minute long Mp3 audio file of each section that you can store and listen to anywhere. About 30 phrases per section, includes the English. |
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They can each be used seperately, but work best when used together.
Look at what's here and use it. If you have any problems or suggestions, please e-mail me.
Austronesian Language Comparison by Raymond Weisling
This is a comparison of core vocabulary of 13 Austronesian languages, including Indonesian, Javanese, Balinese, Sundanese, Madurese, Sawu, Toraja, Tagalog, Maori, Fijian, Hawaiian, Malagasy, and Rapanui.
Indo-European Documentation Center
This site includes links and materials from a number of ancient Indo-European languages, the Numeral Project on early counting systems, and several on-line papers, including a reader of nineteenth century Indo-European studies edited by W. P. Lehmann.
Multilingual Verb Conjugator
Now you can conjugate at least some of the regular verbs in 27 different languages. The LOGOS verb conjugator gives you all the forms of regular verbs in its database for 27 languages, including Italian, French, Spanish, Polish, German, Esperanto, English, Latin, Portuguese, Greek, Finnish, Czech, Croatian, Sicilian. It is a work in progress that still lacks many verbs.
Swahili Noun Classes
This is a preliminary report by Ellen Contini-Morava on a two-phase study of the semantics and syntax of noun classification in Swahili. Phase I, the topic of the present paper, is an investigation of the semantic structure of the noun classes, from a cognitive-semantic perspective.
Tamil Case System
This is a scholarly excursion into the Tamil case system by Harold Schiffman of the University of Washington. It includes a discussion of the postpositions.
Verbix Verb Conjugator
Here is a verb conjugator that conjugates the verbs of over 50 different languages for you.
Welsh Conjugational Endings and Irregular Forms
This is the appendix of an on-line Welsh grammar by Mark Nodine. The rest of the grammar may be accessed through the built-in buttons.
World Atlas of Language Structures
Matthew Dryer has begun this website dealing with the typology of languages. It has a good list of language families with examples of each and a library of articles on the subject.