What's New:
(my running work list) |
August 10: |
After wallowing over a big new change to the look of the site, i finally got the map store live. It's my first foray into database backed design, and it's so great, i can't believe i hadn't started learning this stuff earlier! |
I've been working on a huge update, so i haven't been posting to this new pages list. It will begin with information on all 50 US states and the whole site will slowly change to the new version. |
December 22: |
I created a page for the Iran after seeing a picture (in Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools articles) of an ancient walled city in Iran. |
July 19: |
I created a page for the United Arab Emirates after reading an excellent article on Dubai. |
| I recently had a dream about visiting Japan, a country that I was obsessed with as a child. Maybe next year? |
February 24: |
I had to begin a travel page for Spain after finding out about the lecool guide. |
February 18: |
Isabelle created Swahili content for the site. |
January 3: |
Changed all single-serving file extensions from .html to .php. This will help get the site more consistent and allow me to make the site better with dynamic content. |
December 26: |
The beginnings of an Argentina page have long been a need. It will slowly grow to include much more. |
November 11: |
I just came back from Portland, and created a Portland page, a Where to Eat in Portland page, and an Oregon Mountain bike page. |
November 1: |
Please don't hate me! I have inserted Google's text ads into some of my pages, and will do more if it seems to work well. Just think: It'll help make the site better! |
November 1: |
I created a page on the Czech Greenway starting with content from a National Geographic article. |
October 31: |
I finished updating a full, 8-section Spanish language and grammar online course. It's packed with good info. |
October 25: |
I did a big update and added a lot of info to the Arizona mountain bike trail page. |
September 28: |
The Romanian phrase booklet is finally up in a fairly advanced first draft form on the Romanian page. |
September 18: |
Created a nearly blank English language page, for future growth. |
July 6: |
Set up a small online map and trail guide store, that will hopefully grow into something great. |
June 29: |
Started a simple Japanese Language page. |
June 29: |
Started a simple Korean Language and Hangul alphabet page. |
June 24: |
Created a Idaho mountain biking page. |
June 21: |
Created a Florida mountain biking page. |
December 22: |
I added sparse pages for Bosnia, Chamorro, and Arabic. They don't have much now, but will slowly grow! |
November 22: |
Free T-shirts to sites that link to single-serving. |
November 18: |
Added a page-ranking indicator to the About page. |
November 2: |
Moldavian info provided by Teodor. |
March 22: |
Ly has done most of the work for the Brazilian Portuguese booklet. |
March 18: |
Printable Nadsat Dictionary for "A Clockwork Orange". |
January 14: |
My Fat Tire Festival schedule is now probably the most complete listing available anywhere. |
January 7: |
Began adding amazon.co.uk links to make my site less US-centric. The first was the Afrikaans page. |
December 24: |
The T shirt is finally ready. |
December 13: |
I finished a huge restructure/update. |
December 13: |
All of the Russian pages now have both Cyrillic and transliterated Latin alphabet spellings. |
December 11: |
The Slickrock Trail and Porcupine Rim Trail pages have finally been finished and cleaned up. (but the maps are still beta.) |
December 4: |
I finally finished the Where to Eat in Fruita page. |
November 20: |
I just started a travel stories page. |
November 18: | We recently completed the White Rim trail, and I have added some information there, but plan on adding more later. |
November 10: | I finished a cursory Panama page with a good printable map. |
October 28: | I moved the old Archorn page to Luftlmalerei page. However, it's still just in it's infancy. |
October 23: | I added a navigation menu to the Where to eat in Denver page. |
September 4: |
I just started a maps page. |
August 24: |
Debbie and her husband graciously completed the Afrikaans phrase guide. |
August 24: |
Ben has done most of the work for the Danish booklet, thanks Ben! |
July 12: |
Slovene booklet final edit and proofread |
May 4: |
this page (what's new archive) |
May 1: |
began recording Flatland |
April 29: |
map of Fruita |
April 29: |
Fruita, CO |
April 14: |
Moab plants and animals |
January 6: |
Kosovo soldiers language guide |
January 2: |
Constructed human languages page begun |
December 22: |
Esperanto Links added |
November 1: |
French audio complete |
October 18: |
Polish and Czech pages |
October 13: |
recorded Czech and Polish |
I don't have detailed records of what i did in 2000. It was a rough year for me anyway, so it's not a big loss. Hungarian was the second language recorded, and German was the second booklet made. |
December: |
I recorded Simona (Italian) outdoors in Brindisi. This was the first recording for the site. |
November 29: |
I completely started over, and created the new site that was (at least graphically) the basis for what I have now. |
August 8: |
The first protoype site is up, with no real content. |
August 4: |
I registered www.single-serving.com |