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Folding instructions for the booklet: print (acrobat pdf) or view (animated html)
If you speak Portuguese and want to help me finish, print it out and send me the corrections or additions. I don't know any Portuguese folks, so I have no way of getting any farther for now.
Once the booklet and site are done, I'll need a native speaker of Portuguese to record. You must speak a reasonably dialect free Portuguese. Sex and age are not important, but you must be able to speak loudly and clearly without impediments and live near Denver, Colorado, USA. If you are interested, please e-mail me at info@single-serving.com, thanks!
Portuguese is spoken in Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Sao Tome e Principe, East Timor, Macao, Guinea-Bissau, Goa, Diu, and, I've heard, parts of New England, USA.
DVD (Portuguese audio)
Buy Black Orpheus (1959)
A Brazilian (now classic) remake of the Greek classic set during Carnaval in Rio.
Amazon has other Portuguese DVD's for sale.
City of God is a great Brazilian movie about a photographer growing up in the rough city.
Delta Translator 3.0 for Brazilian Portuguese and English is so versatile it can translate virtually any Brazilian Portuguese or English text displayed on your Windows computer as well as providing thesauruses, spelling and grammar checkers and other tools to help you refine any translation as well as learn, understand and communicate better in Brazilian Portuguese.
With its advanced text-to-speech voice synthesizers, Delta Translator can even speak any highlighted text back to you in either English or Brazilian Portuguese - making it the perfect language tutor.
Buy it at deltatranslator.com. (Windows only)
Some links from www.deltatranslator.com
Multilingual Books has some interesting stuff that amazon doesn't for Portuguese, usually more intense/more complete, and yes, more expensive.
Don't go to the Alternative Portuguese Dictionary unless you want to learn the bad side of the Portuguese language.
Jancada has a good foreign language page for Portuguese - Brazilian
Check out www.sonia-portuguese.com. In addition to her pricey course, she has quite a bit of content on the site, including pronunciation, grammar, phrases, cartoons, and more. The focus is Brazilian Portuguese.
The Portuguese Language
History & usage around the world
Portuguese Grammar Guide
150+ page, easy to digest overview of Brazilian Portuguese grammar, words, phrases, pronunciation and other information
Brazilian Portuguese
Language Classes in Denver
Reasonably priced private Brazilian Portuguese language classes in Denver, Colorado
Diário Popular | O Estado de São Paulo | Folha de São Paulo | O Globo | Jornal do Brasil | Americas Reporter | The Brazilian | Jornal do Commercio | O Nacional | Valor Notícia | Local & Regional Newspapers (alphabetical) | Local & Regional Newspapers (by state)
Veja | Istoé | Istoé Dinheiro | Exame | Imprensa | Corpo a Corpo | National Geographic Brasil | Caras | Quatro Rodas | Ciência Hoje | Lancamentos
Abril | Agência Estado | Agência Folha | Agência O Globo | Reuters Brasil | InfoBrazil
BBC Brasil | Canal Brasil | Cartooon Network Brasil | Central Nacional Televisão | Discovery Channel Brasil | ESPN Brasil | Fox Brasil | Globosat Brasil | Globo News | Grupo Bandeirantes | MTV Brasil | Nickelodeon Brasil | Rede Globo | Rede Record | Rede TV | SBT - Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão | Sony Television Brasil