French Language Home
Quickly learn essential French phrases for traveling, in easy single-serving doses! Great for beginners!
Each "serving" is composed of:

Free Printable Booklets
[ Learn More ]4 sections in one printable booklet, with over 100 words and phrases total.

Web Pages w/clickable Audio
View each page on your computer. Click each word or phrase to hear it!
All audio is from native speakers.
Each page of the printed booklet corresponds to one web page

Full page Audio Files with English and French
[ Learn More ]Each file corresponds to one page of the booklet. 2-3 minute long mp3 audio file of each page/section that you can listen to anywhere.
About 30 phrases per section - includes the English.
French is spoken throughout France, parts of Canada and Belgium, a large portion of Switzerland, in most of the former French colonies as either a first or second language and by people the world over as a second language.
My goal is for single-serving to be a one-stop shop for French foreign language needs for tourists, travelers, business, self-learners, or anyone with an interest in languages. When you are done looking at the site, download the MP3 Audio file and print the Acrobat Booklet. You can use them together anywhere: at work or home on your computer or on the road with a portable mp3 player. You can even copy the audio to CD or tape and take it with you on your travels. Practice the pronunciation before you travel and then just carry the booklet with you. Look at what's here and use it for travel or learning.
One of the reasons that I began doing this site, was the difficulty I had using the phonetic pronunciations given in most phrase guides. The problem is that either one has to learn the international phonetic alphabet, or guess how the author thinks that someone would pronounce certain letter combinations. I avoid phonetics and use audio from real native speakers. There is no mistaking how a word should be pronounced. Only knowing a word or phrase is half the battle; you must be able to be understood. Hearing a native pronounce the words is the greatest aid to pronunciation. Practice is the key to learning (as if your parents haven't been telling you that all along). Go to France, Belgium, Canada, or Switzerland, and speak! Don't let them speak English with you!
French Language Links
pull these old links:
The website of the National Library of France is an impressive project to digitize all public domain French works. The site is in French, so is more of a resource for someone who already speaks French at a decent level.
French Conjugation
You insert the infinitive and select the verbal tense, voice, and mood, and the INFL analyzer will give you the conjugation. The INFL analyzer is a licensed product of the MultiLingual Theory and Technology team at the Rank Xerox Research Center, in Grenoble, France made available to ARTFL through a technology exchange agreement. The principal developers of INFL are Lauri Karttunen and Annie Zaenen.
French Lessons from Everywhere is a huge list of online French lessons
Fluent French - Experiences of an English speaker
ZUT - Interactive Activities for French
French Flashcards from flash card exchange
Free downloads of French Audio books (the site is completely in French.)
World's French Products
Introduction à la linguistique française well organized lessons completely in French is a translation service that specializes in real estate transactions of all types.
French Travel Links:
Check out Time-Out's online guide to Paris. You can order one from the site, or just buy one from a kiosk or bookstore once you get there. They are very complete, but in Time Out's mission to cater to all, they lose the personal touch.
Fredlet's "Things to do in Paris when you are not dead" is a quick fun list of recommendations.
Words you'll need to take trains in France and the rest of Europe. (available as .pdf only)
Look into the weak beginnings of my own guide to my own France.
Online dictionaries:
Neil Coffey's French Dictionary two-way dictionary.
WordReference English-French Dictionary Online dictionary and free browser tools; based on the Collins Paperback French Dictionary.
ARTFL French-English Dictionaries
If you can't cuss and swear in French, you ain't merde! (The Alternative Dictionaries project) You can also buy the book Merde! from Amazon, for more colorful language.
French bad words from (warning: porn ads on some pages)
The following are links from TennesseeBob's Famous French Links
- AP French (language & literature/ courses & tests)
- AP French Online
- Beginners, Say it in French
- Beginning French FL 103 at Cal Poly, Pomona Spring Quarter, 1996 - supports Allen and Fouletier-Smith, Paralleles
- Classe de français langue étrangère
- La classe de français virtuelle (several online courses, Sylvain Rheault)
- Comment dater ?
- La Connexion Française (paid course with free demonstration lesson)
- C.A.F.E. - Cours autodidactique de Français écrit - UDM
- Cours en ligne (CIFFAD)
- Les (se) Cours de français
- Le cours de phonétique de la section de linguistique de l'Université Lausanne
- Critical Vocabulary for FRE 2025 & FRE 3025
- Du français sans faute
- English for Travelers (français-anglais)
- Exercices de français
- Fast and Friendly French for Fun (beginners)
- Français pour Voyageurs
- French in Action (Yale University Press)
- Français 001 (French in Action is chief media)
- Français 002 (French in Action is chief media)
- The French Tutorial (HELIO)
- Grammaire BEPP
- La Grammaire Interactive (Softissimo)
- La Grammaire virtuelle (PROTIC3 le site de la classe en réseau)
- GRIMOIRE - Introduction to French Studies - FRE 180Y
- Guide de la phrase complexe
- Learn2 Get By In French
- la page du FR 005
- Allons-y
- French Online Grammar Quiz to Accompany Allons-y
- Portes Ouvertes (1st year)
- Paroles (1st year)
- Rapports: Language, Culture, Communication, Fourth Edition (Joel Walz) - a first-year course
- Vis-à-vis (elementary French), by Amon, Muyskens & Omaggio Hadley
- Français 100 (basics, with lots of grammar)
- F100 - Elementary French
- Elementary French 2
- French 110 (based on J'Veux bien, 1-4)
- French 120 (based on J'Veux bien, 5-8)
- French 121 (Janice Paulsen - contains lesson materiels for Paralleles)
- French 150
- Français 15 (accelerated elementary French at Furman University)
- F200 French Intermediate French I
- F250 French Intermediate French II
- FRENCH 1050: Intermediate French II - Review Exercises for Ensuite (2nd year)
- Fr 506 Fr 507 Resources (based on Paralleles)
- French 130 (based on Quant à moi, 1-3)
- French 140 (based on Quant à moi, 4-6)
- Français 22 (Intermediate)
- FRNH 221n Intermediate French (Reading)
- French 221 (Paulsen) - Project Options
- French 221 (Paulsen) - Project Options
- FRENCH 2A: Intermediate French
- Intermediate French Resources
- French 120: Intermediate French 1
- French 203 Intermediate French (Mt. Holyoke College)
- French 203 - Intermediate French Composition and Conversation
- French 310 (Oral Proficiency in French I)
- Advanced French Conversation (University of San Diego)
- Intensive French Home Page, Fall 1996
- Jacques Léon, French Language Course (with WAV format audio files)
- POLAR FLE - Apprenez le français avec l'inspecteur Roger Duflair
- Cours de syntaxe formelle mise à niveau DEA-DEA
- Cours d'introduction à la sémantique et à la pragmatique
- Introduction à la linguistique française (Cours de Jacques Moeschler)
- FREN 215: Introduction à la linguistique française
- FREN 215 - Introduction à la linguistique française (manuel de classe détaille)
- ROM 1190 Notions de linguistique historique du français: phonétique
- ROM 2140 Linguistique française
- Français 26 - La Civilisation française, Furman University, Hiver 2002 (Patricia L. Pecoy)
- La Civilisation française et francophone
- History 350: MEDIEVAL FRANCE Fall Semester 1996
- French 219 - Introduction to the Francophone World (Mt. Holyoke College)
- FR 225 - Culture et médias de la France contemporaine
- French 230: French Civilization from the Middle Ages to the XXth Century
- French 230 - Introduction to French Civilization
- French 250 - Culture and Civilization of France
- FrancoFil - La Francophonie académique, culturelle et scientifique
- French Popular Culture (French 100 @ Drew University)
- French 305-1: Culture et civilisation de la France contemporaine
- FL307: La civilisation française (Cal Poly Pomona)
- La France Histoire Ancienne (ill. outline through the 17th century, with a quiz)
- FL308 - La France Contemporaine
- FRENCH YOUTH TODAY (Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County)
- Cours sur l'Union Européenne (Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County)
- Il était une fois la France... Cours de civilisation française (Cal Poly Pomona)
- LA POLITIQUE EN FRANCE (Middlebury College)
- Cours d'histoire littéraire
- French 208 - Introduction à la littérature du XVIIIe siècle
- FR 220 - du romantisme au modernisme
- FRNH 221n Intermediate French (Reading)
- French 301: Introduction to Analysis of Literary Texts
- Français 32: Survey of French Literature, 18th-20th centuries
- French 131: A Survey of French Literature
- FREN 320 "Survey of French Literature from the Middle Ages to 1700"
- French 150 - Studies in Medieval Literature (UCLA)
- FRENCH 381 (MWF 1-1:50). Survey of French Literature-1
- Littérature et imaginaire - la molle page (Collège Edouard Monpetit)
- Littérature française et francophone
- French 221 - Cocteau multim&eactue;dia
- French 41 -French Cinema and Culture
- French 150 - Studies in Medieval Literature (UCLA)
- WORLD LITERATURE I (ENG 251) Song of Roland Study Guide
Special Section on Business French
- Beginning Business French (Center for International Business Studies)
- Bonjour de France: Apprendre le Français : Le français des affaires
- Business French - Lafayette College
- BUSINESS FRENCH - FRENCH 360-O (Northeastern Illinois University)
- Business French (University of Illinois)
- Business French (University of WisconsinMadison)
- Français des Affaires
- Le Français des Affaires 3104
- Le Français des Affaires (University of San Diego)
- Le Français des Affaires et des Professions (CCIP)
- Le Français en Affaires au Québec et en Amérique du Nord
- FRENCH FOR BUSINESS (Florida State University)
- French for Business (University of Texas)
- French 451 (French for Business and the Professions)
- French 240 French Studies in Commerce and the Media
- French for Business and Technology (University of Maryland)
- Les Pages du Français des Affaires (Université d'Anvers)
- Learn Business French (several audio and video based lessons)
- Parlons Affaires - Initiation au français (Bowling Green State University)
- Site de formation à distance et d'aide aux formateurs en français des affaires et des professions
Lessons on Individual Topics
- Alphabet Phonétique (with sound files) in boarder
- Amiens Cathedral. A Multimedia Project for the Columbia University Core Curriculum
- Les Animaux de la Ferme Lesson Plan
- Un Arbre Généalogique
- Les As du Tennis [pointers, lessons and quizzes]
- Les Changements dans la société (France) - with photos,exercises, sound, etc.
- La Consommation et la cuisine (France) - with photos, exercises, sound, etc.
- Core French - A Curriculum and Resource Guide for the Middle Level
- Une courte leçon de relativité restreinte
- Ecole Polyvalente des Hospitalières Saint Gervais (with small lessons on various subjects)
- Les Ecoles (France) - with photos,exercises, sound, etc.
- L'Europe [Civilisation Française] - with photos,exercises, sound, etc.
- Exercise de comparaison autour de quatre individus (TennesseeBob)
- Les Fêtes et les traditions (France) - with photos, exercises, sound, etc.
- French Lesson Plans (on specifc topics)
- French Lesson Plans and Curricula
- French 121.01 (Paulsen) - Project Options
- L'Habitat - (France) - with photos, exercises, sound, etc.
- L'Habitat intérieur (France) - with photos, exercises, sound, etc.
- L'Héritage culturel (France) - with photos,exercises, sound, etc.
- L'Histoire (France) - with photos, exercises, sound, etc.
- International Phonetic Alphabet Chart
- les journaux et les magazines
- Leçon de géologie ...
- Leçon de chasse
- Petite Leçon de football américaine
- Une Leçon de guitare, par Donald Loignon
- Leçon de maquillage en 9 étapes (bal de fin d'études)
- Une Leçon de perl
- La Leçon de photo
- La Leçon de photo: les photomontages
- Manger A Paris: Révision Arrondissements et Restaurants
- LES MATHEMATIQUES (math ed site with problems and demonstrations)
- Les méthodes d'analyse des circuits
- Un Meurtre à Cinet (An E-mail Whodunit...)
- Ministère des Affaires étrangères (exercise)
- "Paris la Nuit"
- Quia - French - top 20 Activities
- Les Restaurants et la nourriture
- La Securité sociale (France) - with photos,exercises, sound, etc.
- "Une Semaine à Paris"
- "Les Sports à Paris (web lesson for French)"
- Les Symboles (France) - with photos,exercises, sound, etc.
- "Tante Mimi"
- Le Tour de France 1999
- Les Transports (France) - with photos,exercises, sound, etc.
- Les Vacances (France) - with photos,exercises, sound, etc.
- La Vie culturelle (France) - with photos,exercises, sound, etc.
- La Vie économique (France) - with photos, exercises, sound, etc.
- La Vie familiale (France) - with photos,exercises, sound, etc.
- Voyageons en Côte d'Ivoire!
- Voyageons en Haïti!
- Voyageons en Madagascar!
- Voyageons au Maroc!
- Voyageons en Martinique!
- Voyageons en Polynésie Française!
- Voyageons en Tunisie!
Tests, Quizzes and Questionnaires
- AP French Language - 2001 Free-Response Questions
- AP French Literature - 2001 Free-Response Questions
- La Banque D'Instruments de Mesure de l'Ontario: Français, Au Cycle Moyen 1
- Le Bac (sujets)
- Les Corrigés du Bac/Brevet
- Corriger un texte
- ++WWW Exam (révision pour le bac, resultats, etc.)
- YAHOO! France - Baccalauréat de français
- La Banque D'Instruments de Mesure de l'Ontario: Français, Au Cycle Moyen 1
- Business and Professional French at the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (tests & certificats)
- Commission nationale (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française/ Diplome Approfondi de Langue Française)
- The DELF and DALF Examinations in the USA
- Dalhousie University Department of French Placement Test
- Exercices d'essai TOEIC
- Epreuve uniforme de français - niveau collégiale
- ETS Test File (type "French" in the "Find" box for information about 100 tests)
- FLIQ! - Friedman's Little Interactive Quizzes
- French FLES Test (Barry-Doris; And Others)
- French Intermediate Tests
- ENGLISH >> FRENCH 100 TESTS (Vocabulary)
- FRENCH LANGUAGE EXAMS (main French language exams for which foreigners can study)
- French 3200 Oral Testing. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Education
- Le Grand Concour AATF - National French Contest
- Histoire de la langue française: exemples de questions d'examen
- NTE Specialty Area Tests: French (Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ.)
- ORTHOgraphe
- la page française de Cyberfox [activites]
- Questions de vocabulaire
- QCM en français
- QUIZ - FranceWay (interactive, French culture , multiple choice, in English)
- Quiz sur l'administration et le gouvernement de la France
- Quizzes to Accompany Allons-y
- SAT Program - French Subject Test (Reading Only)
- SAT Program - French Subject Test with Listening
- Test de français - langue étrangère
- Test de français - langue étrangère et seconde
- Test de français international
- Test de français pour l'évaluation du Niveau
- Test de français universel
- Test de littérature française
- Test général de français pour le niveau CM2
- Test provincial de compétences linguistiques
- TEST your FRENCH (variety of grammar points)
- Test your French for a study vacation in France
- Testez votre orthographe
- Tests de Conaissance en français et certifications
- Texte à corriger
Multi-functional Educational Sites in French
- Activités pédagogiques en français (à télécharger pour PC et MAC)
- Activities Integrated with Discovering French
- Apprenez le français avec Internet
- Bonjour de France (Apprentissage, Jeux)
- CENTRE PEDAGOGIQUE (Le Quartier français du Village planétaire)
- Civilisation Française
- Culture Activities - QUIA
- CyberScol
- Démonstrations Orales de Pimsleur
- Franco pour momes - Sites W3 educatifs recommandes par Edufrançais
- French Language Tutor
- French for all at ALL Levels Interactive Exercises (UK levels 7, 8, 9, GCSE, "A")
- French Learning Website (activities)
- French On-Line Courses (on how to use the internet to teach French)
- A Guide to Intermediate French
- Glencoe French Activities
- L'Institut Canadien du Crédit Cours en français (under construction)
- Pédegonet - Centre de ressources pédagogique
- Recherche (robot chercheur dans les ressources didactiques du Ministère de l'Education du Québec)
- Rescol canadien - Ressources pédagogiques
- Terminale exercises de lecture (GSCE and "A" Level in the UK)
- Weavers French site (65 interactive exercises)
- The WWW Notebook for Teachers of FRENCH (Sonja Moore, at VCU)