(my running work list)
An army reserve deployment to Djibouti gave me some downtime. I used that to create a new logo using AI and updated all of the printable phrase booklets that existed at the time of the sale: 18 languages!
A new career took up most of my time in the last five years. I met a Dane named Birgitte and it motivated me to add the Danish booklet to the new site.
I added the French and
Albanian sites and guidebooks back as a new beginning.
I didn't check in much, but randomly in 2017 noticed that the domain (single-serving.com) had expired. I contacted them as soon as I noticed they had abandoned it, but I was too late: They had let the registration expire and a domain squatter had already purchased it.
The good news is that I still had a copy of the site as it was sold, and hadn't sold the rights to the content. So the content is back in the hands of the creator! (me!) This site was my labor of love for many years in the late 90's while living in Europe. I poured my soul into it and am very grateful to have it back and to have it grow again.
Although I lost the domain, I found that phraseguides.com was available and arguably a better name for the site! I registered it in October 2017, but didn't put much work into it.
I sold single-serving.com. Read about the sale and the reclamation.
I sold single-serving.com in 2010, at the peak of its popularity and traffic, to a company in Texas. They plastered the site with advertising and never updated it nor added new content. The site must have brought them ad earnings, but, over the years, the traffic died, as did the ad revenue.
I moved the map store and the mountain biking content to 2Pedal Mountain Biking, but then sold off the inventory and let the domain expire when I was accepted to PA school at University of Idaho in 2014. In addition to selling others maps and guide books on that site, I wrote my own mountain bike trails guidebook to Kokopelli's Trail from Grand Junction, Colorado to Moab, Utah. I am still updating and publishing this guide.
Running Work list from the Old Site: | |
August 10: | After wallowing over a big new change to the look of the site, i finally got the map store live. It's my first foray into database backed design, and it's so great, i can't believe i hadn't started learning this stuff earlier! |
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I've been working on a huge update, so i haven't been posting to this new pages list. It will begin with information on all 50 US states and the whole site will slowly change to the new version. | |
December 22: | I created a page for the Iran after seeing a picture (in Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools articles) of an ancient walled city in Iran. |
July 19: | I created a page for the United Arab Emirates after reading an excellent article on Dubai. |
I recently had a dream about visiting Japan, a country that I was obsessed with as a child. Maybe next year? | |
February 24: | I had to begin a travel page for Spain after finding out about the lecool guide. |
February 18: | Isabelle created Swahili content for the site. |
January 3: | Changed all single-serving file extensions from .html to .php. This will help get the site more consistent and allow me to make the site better with dynamic content. |
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December 26: | The beginnings of an Argentina page have long been a need. It will slowly grow to include much more. |
November 11: | I just came back from Portland, and created a Portland page, a Where to Eat in Portland page, and an Oregon Mountain bike page. |
November 1: | Please don't hate me! I have inserted Google's text ads into some of my pages, and will do more if it seems to work well. Just think: It'll help make the site better! |
November 1: | I created a page on the Czech Greenway starting with content from a National Geographic article. |
October 31: | I finished updating a full, 8-section Spanish language and grammar online course. It's packed with good info. |
October 25: | I did a big update and added a lot of info to the Arizona mountain bike trail page. |
September 28: | The Romanian phrase booklet is finally up in a fairly advanced first draft form on the Romanian page. |
September 18: | Created a nearly blank English language page, for future growth. |
July 6: | Set up a small online map and trail guide store, that will hopefully grow into something great. |
June 29: | Started a simple Japanese Language page. |
June 29: | Started a simple Korean Language and Hangul alphabet page. |
June 24: | Created a Idaho mountain biking page. |
June 21: | Created a Florida mountain biking page. |
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December 22: | I added sparse pages for Bosnia, Chamorro, and Arabic. They don't have much now, but will slowly grow! |
November 22: | Free T-shirts to sites that link to single-serving. |
November 18: | Added a page-ranking indicator to the About page. |
November 2: | Moldavian info provided by Teodor. |
March 22: | Ly has done most of the work for the Brazilian Portuguese booklet. |
March 18: | Printable Nadsat Dictionary for "A Clockwork Orange". |
January 14: | My Fat Tire Festival schedule is now probably the most complete listing available anywhere. |
January 7: | Began adding amazon.co.uk links to make my site less US-centric. The first was the Afrikaans page. |
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December 24: | The T shirt is finally ready. |
December 13: | I finished a huge restructure/update. |
December 13: | All of the Russian pages now have both Cyrillic and transliterated Latin alphabet spellings. |
December 11: | The Slickrock Trail and Porcupine Rim Trail pages have finally been finished and cleaned up. (but the maps are still beta.) |
December 4: | I finally finished the Where to Eat in Fruita page. |
November 20: | I just started a travel stories page. |
November 18: | We recently completed the White Rim trail, and I have added some information there, but plan on adding more later. |
November 10: | I finished a cursory Panama page with a good printable map. |
October 28: | I moved the old Archorn page to Luftlmalerei page. However, it's still just in it's infancy. |
October 23: | I added a navigation menu to the Where to eat in Denver page. |
September 4: | I just started a maps page. |
August 24: | Debbie and her husband graciously completed the Afrikaans phrase guide. |
August 24: | Ben has done most of the work for the Danish booklet, thanks Ben! |
July 12: | Slovene booklet final edit and proofread |
May 4: | this page (what's new archive) |
May 1: | began recording Flatland |
April 29: | map of Fruita |
April 29: | Fruita, CO |
April 14: | Moab plants and animals |
January 6: | Kosovo soldiers language guide |
January 2: | Constructed human languages page begun |
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December 22: | Esperanto Links added |
November 1: | French audio complete |
October 18: | Polish and Czech pages |
October 13: | recorded Czech and Polish |
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I don't have detailed records of what i did in 2000. It was a rough year for me anyway, so it's not a big loss. Hungarian was the second language recorded, and German was the second booklet made. | |
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December: | I recorded Simona (Italian) outdoors in Brindisi. This was the first recording for the site. |
November 29: | I completely started over, and created the new site that was (at least graphically) the basis for what I have now. |
August 8: | The first protoype site is up, with no real content. |
August 4: | I registered www.single-serving.com |
About single-serving.comPurposeMy goal is to create the best phrase guides and language aides on the web and the most useable maps and trail guides. My purpose is not as clear. I am obviously putting a lot of personal time and money into it. My purpose is really to be satisfied that I have a fantastic product. Of course I dream of being able to someday live from something that I'm doing on the web. I could then live anywhere, or travel anywhere, and still be at work. (But how realistic is that?) Why should you believe my phrase guides? Here are my Language QualificationsI have no framed qualifications that I can hang on a wall and prove anything with (well, OK, a couple). I am very interested in languages and have a lot of experience. I am a native English speaker and grew up speaking Croatian at home. I took four years of Spanish in high school and have taken over 500 hours of German in Germany. I speak German very well and spent one semester at a German university. I have lived in Italy, Hungary and Bosnia as well and always made major efforts to learn as much of a language as I could. I have worked as a translator for the US Army as well as for private companies that contract to the Army. My father speaks eight languages and has worked as a translator and other language related jobs. My mother speaks five languages and has taught Spanish at the high school level. None of this qualifies me as a linguist, but it gives me a good background. Errors/AccuracyThis site may contain errors! Errors are fixed as soon as possible. Languages and maps are very complex and the definition of correct language may vary from speaker to speaker. If you note any errors in the content, please send an e-mail to: info@single-serving.com. Each language section is checked by two native speakers before being published as final. This does not guarantee correctness. In cases where common usage differs from correct usage, the common usage is often used. In cases where the spoken and written forms differ, the spoken form is usually used. These guides are meant to be quick help in learning some usage and pronunciation, not a strict grammar guide. CopyrightUsage rules This is all free for personal use. Please use these tools to help you learn, tell people about it and link to this site. However, all links must be to html pages. I don't want anyone to link directly to sound or acrobat files. No use other than personal or teaching in public schools without written permission.
Advertising/Cookies/PrivacyThis site uses no cookies and collects no data other than user feedback. I am trying to get the site to pay for itself to grow more. I have reluctantly decided to use google's adsense advertising. I plan on using the earnings to pay someone to help me edit audio files and work on some html. I will remove it if it doesn't seem to help the site grow and expand. Watch for lots of addtional foreign language audio in 2005 if this proves fruitful. ContactE-mail me at: info@single-serving.com. Or write to: 2641 Champa St.Denver, Colorado 80205 Character EncodingI have decided to use full character sets, rather than simplifying the languages. This means that a lot of people won't be able to view some of the languages that don't use Latin-1. I think that if people want to learn about a language, then they should get into it and install foreign character set support and foreign fonts. Some people may not be able to install, because of the age of their computers, computers at work or libraries where installing external stuff is illegal, or whatever. I hope that I don't alienate too many people. I will eventually add transliterated pages for the non-latin based languages, and still have no idea what i'll do about the Asian languages. I have started making a page that displays the various character sets, but it's not done yet. I'm also a little slow on picking up Unicode, but all future language pages will be encoded with Unicode. FlagsFlags are used in this site to represent the different languages, despite there often not being a one-to-one correlation between language and country. Flags are political tools, whereas language is cultural. For example: Austrians don't necessarily enjoy clicking on a German flag to get their language, but it has become a standard and as a result, is easily understood. The flags are all different sizes because each country decides what aspect ratio is's flag will have. For more information about flags, please see: Flags of the World or Flags.net. All flags here are created by single-serving and have my best effort at correct colors and aspect ratios. I have a list of flag aspect ratios that I use for myself to set this confusing issue straight. single-serving primarily uses these colors:
please e-mail me at info@single-serving.com. Contact me as well, if you have any ideas or want to help. If your comments result in a change I'll send you a t-shirt or something. enjoy! Here are some internal tests that I am doing for myself. If you've read this far, you might actually enjoy looking at some ridiculous self-promotion that has been done mostly as a joke. |