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Basic Spanish for the Virtual Student - Section 4

We're going take a break from irregular verbs--there are more to be covered later


  1. learn basic colors
  2. parts of the human body
  3. numbers for counting
  4. to have- idioms
  5. to want- idioms
  6. present participles
  7. past participles


roja rojo red
rosada rosado pink
anaranjada anaranjado orange
amarilla amarillo yellow
dorada dorado gold color the metal is 'el oro'
verde green
azul blue
celeste sky blue
violeta violet
morada morado purple
marrón brown
café brown so dark almost black
blanca blanco white
plateado silver color the metal is 'la plata'
gris grey
negra negro black

¡Gracias a Osvaldo Suarez!


el pelo hair
la cabeza head
la frente forehead
las cejas eyebrows
la nariz nose
los oidos ears
los labios lips
la boca mouth
la lengua tongue
la garganta throat
la barbilla chin
el cuello neck
los hombros shoulders
los brazos arms
los codos elbows
los antebrazos forearms
las muñecas wrists
las manos hands 
los dedos fingers
el pecho chest
los pectorales pectorals
los pezones nipples (both genders)
los senos breasts
el estómago stomach
los abdominales abdominals
la rama treebranch
la flor flower
la hoja de olivo olive leaf

The native speaker did not know what a fig leaf was, but he was aware of the miracle of leaves growing out of the human body to cover things covered by a swim suit.

las nalgas buttocks
las piernas legs
los muslos thighs
las rodillas knees
las pantonillas calves
los pies feet

¡Gracias a Osvaldo Suarez!


1 uno
2 dos
3 tres
4 cuatro
5 cinco
6 seis
7 siete
8 ocho
9 nueve
10 diez
11 once
12 doce
13 trece
14 catorce
15 quince
16 dieciséis
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
19 diecinueve
20 veinte
21 veintiuno (or viente y uno)
22 veintidós (or viente y dos)
23 veintitrés (or viente y tres)
30 treinta
31 treinta y uno
32 treinta y dos
33 treinta y tres
40 cuarenta
50 cincuenta
60 sesenta
70 setenta
80 ochenta
90 noventa
100 cien
106 ciento seis
165 ciento sesenta y cinco
200 doscientos
300 trescientos
400 cuatrocientos
500 quinientos
600 seiscientos
700 setecientos
800 ochocientos
900 novecientos
1000 mil
100 000 cien mil
1 000 000 un millón


tengo sed I (have) thirst
tienes hambre you are hungry
Madame Presidente, usted tiene razón Madame President, you are right
tienen frío they are cold
tienen miedo they are afraid
tengo calor I am warm/hot
tengo prisa I am in a hurry
tenemos cuidado We are careful
tengo diecisiete años I am 17 years old
él tiene sueño He is tired




Present participles are one example of compound verbs.
(English present participles end in -ing.)



(need to check, added since native speaker review)

abrir abierto to open
componer[65] compuesto to arrange, to compose
cubrir cubierto to cover
decir[57] dicho to say
describir descrito to describe
escribir escrito to write
hacer[60] hecho to do, to make
poner[65] puesto to put
satisfacer[60] satisfecho to satisfy
ver[76] visto to see
volver[24] vuelto to return

If the infinitive lists a number in brackets (ex: poner shows [65]), then you can go to the page with 500+ irregular verbs and use the number [65] to find similar verbs, which should have the same irregularity to the past particle.

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I used purely semantic html for this entire free course. That means that you should be able to download this to a palm pilot or other PDA, and view it with any browser. The only problems might be the tables, and the images at the top, the only images used. If anyone tries this, I'd love to hear feedback about how well it works, or tips that I could give others.