We're going take a break from irregular verbs--there are more to be covered later
roja rojo | red |
rosada rosado | pink |
anaranjada anaranjado | orange |
amarilla amarillo | yellow |
dorada dorado | gold color the metal is 'el oro' |
verde | green |
azul | blue |
celeste | sky blue |
violeta | violet |
morada morado | purple |
marrón | brown |
café | brown so dark almost black |
blanca blanco | white |
plateado | silver color the metal is 'la plata' |
gris | grey |
negra negro | black |
¡Gracias a Osvaldo Suarez!
el pelo | hair |
la cabeza | head |
la frente | forehead |
las cejas | eyebrows |
la nariz | nose |
los oidos | ears |
los labios | lips |
la boca | mouth |
la lengua | tongue |
la garganta | throat |
la barbilla | chin |
el cuello | neck |
los hombros | shoulders |
los brazos | arms |
los codos | elbows |
los antebrazos | forearms |
las muñecas | wrists |
las manos | hands |
los dedos | fingers |
el pecho | chest |
los pectorales | pectorals |
los pezones | nipples (both genders) |
los senos | breasts |
el estómago | stomach |
los abdominales | abdominals |
la rama | treebranch |
la flor | flower |
la hoja de olivo | olive leaf The native speaker did not know what a fig leaf was, but he was aware of the miracle of leaves growing out of the human body to cover things covered by a swim suit. |
las nalgas | buttocks |
las piernas | legs |
los muslos | thighs |
las rodillas | knees |
las pantonillas | calves |
los pies | feet |
¡Gracias a Osvaldo Suarez!
1 | uno |
2 | dos |
3 | tres |
4 | cuatro |
5 | cinco |
6 | seis |
7 | siete |
8 | ocho |
9 | nueve |
10 | diez |
11 | once |
12 | doce |
13 | trece |
14 | catorce |
15 | quince |
16 | dieciséis |
17 | diecisiete |
18 | dieciocho |
19 | diecinueve |
20 | veinte |
21 | veintiuno (or viente y uno) |
22 | veintidós (or viente y dos) |
23 | veintitrés (or viente y tres) |
30 | treinta |
31 | treinta y uno |
32 | treinta y dos |
33 | treinta y tres |
40 | cuarenta |
50 | cincuenta |
60 | sesenta |
70 | setenta |
80 | ochenta |
90 | noventa |
100 | cien |
106 | ciento seis |
165 | ciento sesenta y cinco |
200 | doscientos |
300 | trescientos |
400 | cuatrocientos |
500 | quinientos |
600 | seiscientos |
700 | setecientos |
800 | ochocientos |
900 | novecientos |
1000 | mil |
100 000 | cien mil |
1 000 000 | un millón |
tengo sed | I (have) thirst |
tienes hambre | you are hungry |
Madame Presidente, usted tiene razón | Madame President, you are right |
tienen frío | they are cold |
tienen miedo | they are afraid |
tengo calor | I am warm/hot |
tengo prisa | I am in a hurry |
tenemos cuidado | We are careful |
tengo diecisiete años | I am 17 years old |
él tiene sueño | He is tired |
quiero |
quieres |
quiere |
queremos |
queréis |
quieren |
Present participles are one example of compound verbs.
(English present participles end in -ing.)
he |
has |
ha |
hemos |
habéis |
han |
(need to check, added since native speaker review)
abrir | abierto | to open |
componer[65] | compuesto | to arrange, to compose |
cubrir | cubierto | to cover |
decir[57] | dicho | to say |
describir | descrito | to describe |
escribir | escrito | to write |
hacer[60] | hecho | to do, to make |
poner[65] | puesto | to put |
satisfacer[60] | satisfecho | to satisfy |
ver[76] | visto | to see |
volver[24] | vuelto | to return |
If the infinitive lists a number in brackets (ex: poner shows [65]), then you can go to the page with 500+ irregular verbs and use the number [65] to find similar verbs, which should have the same irregularity to the past particle.
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