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Basic Spanish for the Virtual Student - Section 5


  1. Direct Object Pronouns
  2. Indirect Object Pronouns
  3. Commands
  4. Irregular Tu Form Commands
  5. Reflexive Verbs
  6. Days of the Week
  7. Months of the Year
  8. Sentence Structure


me me
you te
her la
him le
it lo
us nos
you (plural) os
them las, les, los

A direct object receives the action of the verb.


(problem here--this is more sophisticated than my current explanation)

to me me
to you te
to him, her, it le
to us nos
to you (plural) os
to them les

An indirect object is used for the person to whom something is told, given, or sent.

Why are indirect objects confusing?

I'm not a linguistics expert. I suspect that our definition of a direct object (see above) is a part of the problem. For sentences with more than just a noun and a verb, I think (I could be wrong) that there should be a direct object. After all, if an action is committed, it has to be received by something, right? (I could be wrong.)
There are quite a few sentences we use that you could argue the direct object is implicit.
"I told him." (the direct object might be 'the story', 'the truth', 'the tale', etc.)
"I asked her."
So far, it appears to me that indirect objects are used for transferring objects and information. Now, just to be sure, we're going to look at examples. To contrast direct and indirect objects, we need a female person, so that we'll have a distinct difference:

Lestat made his mother, Gabrielle, into a vampire the night she was dying (she's feeling much better now...)

  1. "¿Oyes eso?" Le pregunté.
  2. Y allí la sostuve entre mis brazos y le hablé mientras sucedía.
  3. Se deslizó entre mis brazos y la conduje lejos de su victima.
  4. "Por esta noche, es suficiente. Tenemos que regresar a la torre" le dije.
  5. Deseaba enseñarle el tesoro.
  6. Le hablé con detalle de la torre.
  7. De nuevo, los espasmos agónicos la asaltaban.
  8. "Tengo que beber", le expliqué.
  9. Le acerque mis labios de nuevo y no me rechazó.
  10. "Guarda silencio," le susurré. Noté cómo la dominaba el pánico.
  11. La inocencia de las víctimas no le preocupaba en absoluto.

IMPERATIVES (these words also referred to as 'Commands')

There are different types of commands--who you are giving it to is important

  1. We show the conjugations
  2. We point out the tricks.
  3. It helps to have all three forms (-ar, -er, -ir) in front of you as you see the rules


decir di
hacer haz
ir ve or anda
poner pon
salir sal
tener ten
venir ven



lunes Monday
martes Tuesday
miércoles Wednesday
jueves Thursday
viernes Friday
sábado Saturday
domingo Sunday

I was taught not to capitalize months or days of the week. However, one of the native speakers who looked at the page asked me to capitalize them. Recently, I received email from an instructor asking me to change the first letters to lower case. My suggestion: by default assume you are supposed to use lower case, but don't be surprised if somewhere you find it done the other way. Perhaps there exist places where they capitalize these words (this sentence written using the subjunctive :).


enero January
febrero February
marzo March
abril April
mayo May
junio June
julio July
agosto August
septiembre September
octubre October
noviembre November
diciembre December 


Nosotros, el Pueblo de los Estados Unidos, We, the people of the United States,
a fin de formar una Unión más perfecta, in order to form a more perfect Union,
establecer Justicia, establish Justice,
afirmar la tranquilidad interior, insure domestic Tranquility,
proveer la Defensa común, provide for the common defense,
promover el bienestar general y asegurar para nosotros mismos y para nuestros descendientes los beneficios de la Libertad, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
estatuimos y sancionamos esta Constitución para los Estados Unidos de América. do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. 

How many grammar rules can you find used here?

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I used purely semantic html for this entire course. That means that you should be able to save this to a palm pilot or other PDA, and view it with any browser. The only problems might be the tables, and the images at the top, the only images used. If anyone tries this, I'd love to hear feedback about how well it works, or tips that I could give others.