The second letter of the Hebrew alef-bet, bet - ב, mirrors the symbolism of the number two. It is called Bet. It is from this letter that we get our word, both. This letter is the first letter of the Torah and of the book of Bereshit (Genesis). Like the number two, Bet stands for the beginning of man’s journey. If we look at the number two in a positive sense, it stands for man, his realm and all that was created by HaShem for man’s benefit. If we look at it in a negative light, two stands for all that is separate or opposed to HaShem.
The number one implies that there exists but a single reality. It suggests absolute conformity. The number two represents separation, division, and disunity (the two items have undone that unity that existed when there was only one item). Two represents right and left, giving versus restraint. The number three, however, finds an underlying unity between disparate entities. Thus the thirteenth hermeneutic rule of Ishmael expresses this resolution as: When two Biblical passages contradict each other the contradiction in question must be solved by reference to a third passage.
Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s thoughts:The first time a word occurs in Scripture provides deep insight, so we need to know the first time the number two appears. (Hebrew grammar causes earlier appearances of two to have variant forms.)