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Divine language
Facts: |
Created By: |
Luc Besson |
Created in: |
? |
Number of words: |
400+ |
Number of speakers: |
0 |
"[Milla Jovovich] worked hard for eight months: Singing, acting, karate, and she even learned 400 words of an invented vocabulary and all the film's dialogue in that language." |
single-serving artificial language pages |
Divine language
All Divine Language pages with audio seem to have dissapeared.
There is a draft of the script from 1995 on several sites on the internet.
Someone at a no-longer-existant geocities site wrote this:
The Fifth speak the language of the Mondoshawan, a tongue usually called "the Divine Language." This language has no linguistic connection to any spoken tongue in the known universe, though the natives of the Phase World universe will instantly hear similarities between the Divine Language and Trade Tongue One, which many believe to be a corrupted version of the language of the lost First Race! This language will sound bizarre but somehow beautiful to any humanoid listeners, and simply confusing to non-humanoids. The Divine Language may be spoken slowly (so the speaker can explain things, or to make it easy on a student of the tongue), but its natural sound is quick and fluid, scaling up into a rapid-fire babble when the speaker is excited or angry.
Any air-breathing species can attempt to learn the Divine Language, but members of any race other than the Fifth, the Mondoshawan, the Divas, and any shape-shifting species will have a terrible time trying to learn it; base proficiency is equal to the character's IQ attribute, plus 5% per level of experience. The Divine Language is the native tongue of the Fifth and the Mondoshawan, and the Divas have the same amazing proficiency at learning it as they do any other spoken language. Shape-shifters can change the shape of their vocal chords, cheating slightly on learning how to make the required sounds; such species double their IQ attribute to determine their base proficiency.
The written component of the Divine Language is a phonetic system, and thus capable of transcribing any spoken language. It has characters for every sound which it is possible for humanoid vocal chords to make, resulting in a total of 78 "letters." The method of writing looks a great deal like human musical notation, and may explain some of the language's more fluid sounds. Traditionally, the language is written in seven different colors (one for each of the letter groups, plus black for punctuation; the letters are divided into phonetic categories of thirteen each), but this can be dispensed with if the writer is in a hurry or simply doesn't care about tradition.
(Note: The only things I can personally say in the Divine Language are the following: "apipoulai," which means "I give you greetings," or more simply "hello"; "akta gamat" which means "never without my permission"; "mu fryesh akta simoulai," meaning "the action that you just took is offensive to me, and I consider it to be an evil act," or simply, "you shouldn't have done that; it was wrong"; and "domo danko," meaning "thank you very much."
(Also, names have great meaning in the Divine Language. Leeloo, the name of the first free Fifth, is a shortening of a much longer name, Leeloo Mina Lekatariba Laminatcha Ekbat D'Sebat; by itself, it means "beauty." The name of the race Mondoshawan means both "the guardians" and "the bringers of light"; this latter name makes some humans edgy around them, remembering that "Lightbringer" was Satan's title in ancient Earth lore.)