2: French Introductions
This page corresponds to the 2nd page of the printed booklet
scroll to Days of the Week
This page contains audio for each of the phrases in Introductions: the second page of the booklet. There is also a single audio file you can download and listen to that has the English and the French all in one, so that you can listen on the go. I recommend listening to the audio with the booklet in hand!
English | French | Audio |
What is your name? (formal) | Comment vous appelez-vous? (formal) | |
What is your name? (informal) | Comment tu t'appelles? (informal) | |
My name is Thierry. | Je m'appelle Thierry. | |
Pleased (to meet you). | Enchanté / Enchantée (both are pronounced the same) | |
I am 23 years old. | J'ai 23 ans. | |
How old are you? (formal) | Quel âge avez-vous? (formal) | |
How old are you? (informal) | Quel âge as-tu? (informal) | |
Where are you from? (formal) | D'où venez vous? (formal) | |
Where are you from? (informal) | D'où tu viens? (informal) | |
I'm American. (male) | Je suis américain (male) | |
I'm American. (female) | Je suis américaine. (female) | |
No, I'm from Canada. | Non, je viens du Canada. | |
You're English. (male) | Vous êtes anglais (male) | |
You're English. (female) | Vous êtes anglaise. (female) | |
You're Scottish. (male) | Tu es écossais (male) | |
You're Scottish. (female) | Tu es écossaise. (female) | |
She's Australian. | Elle est australienne. (m = australien) | |
He's Irish. | Il est irlandais. (f = irlandaise) | |
We're from New Zealand. (male) | Nous sommes néo-zélandais (male) | |
We're from New Zealand. (female) | Nous sommes néo-zélandaise. (female) | |
They are Welsh. (male) | Ils sont gallois. (male) | |
They are Welsh. (female) | Elles sont galloises. (female) | |
How do you like France? (formal) | Aimez-vous la France? (formal) | |
I like it very much. | Je l'aime beaucoup. | |
Have you ever been to Belgium? | Est-ce que vous avez été en Belgique? (formal) | |
No, never. | Non, jamais. | |
This is my second time in Switzerland. | Je suis pour la seconde fois en Suisse. | |
What do you do? | Qu' est-ce que vous faîtes dans la vie? (formal) | |
I'm a student. | Je suis étudiante. (female) | |
I'm a student. | Je suis étudiant (male) | |
I'm on vacation. | Je suis en vacances. | |
I'm here on business. | Je suis là pour raison professionnelle. |
Days of the Week
Monday | lundi | |
Tuesday | mardi | |
Wednesday | mercredi | |
Thursday | jeudi | |
Friday | vendredi | |
Saturday | samedi | |
Sunday | dimanche |