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Buy Just Listen 'N Learn Greek. Audio Cassette course from



I am still trying to iron out problems that I'm having with Russian before I begin any other non-Latin based character set languages. Greek will definitely be the next. I only have the alphabet started now.
If you want to make websites in Greek, but you don't have a Geek keyboard or OS, check out my page on the ISO Greek character set.

Once the booklet is done, I'll need a native speaker of Greek to record. You must speak a reasonably dialect free Greek. Sex and age are not important (well, for this project anyway), but you must be able to speak loudly and clearly without impediments. If you are interested, please e-mail me at, thanks!

Check out for a (too extensive) list of Greek Language resources.

Kaliméra	Good morning
Kalispéra	Good evening
Kaliníchta	Good night
Yia sou		Hello
Ti Kánis?	How are you?
Ísse kalá?	Are things going well?
Polí oréo	Very good
Efharistó	Thank you
Yia mas		Cheers (toast)
Ton Logariasmó	the bill/check
Parakaló	Please
Antío		Goodbye

Greek Language Links

Modern Greek - Advanced Level

Greek through the Internet

Learn to Read Greek

Modern Greek as a foreign language

Learn Greek Online !

Greek Lessons

Jancada has a good foreign language page for Greek

AncientGreek Flashcards from flash card exchange

ModernGreek Flashcards from flash card exchange

Greek bad words from (warning: porn ads on some pages)