3: Albanian for Around Town

This page corresponds to the 3rd page of the printed booklet

This page contains audio for each of the phrases in Shopping/Directions: the third page of the booklet. There is also a single audio file you can download and listen to that has the English and the Albanian all in one, so that you can listen on the go. I recommend listening to the audio with the booklet in hand!

English Albanian Audio
How much does this cost? Sa kushton kjo?
The menu please! Menynë ju lutem!
Could we please pay? A mund të paguajmë ju lutem?
Do you have anything cheaper? (formal) A keni ndonjë më të lirë?
Do you have anything cheaper? (informal) A ke ndonjë më të lirë?
Do you accept credit cards? A pranoni kredit karta?
Where are the toilets? Ku janë banjot?
Men Burra
Women Gra
Where is the nearest bank, please? (formal) Ku është banka më e afërt ju lutem?
Where is the post office, please? (formal) Ku është posta, ju lutem?
Where is the train station, please? (formal) Ku është stacioni i trenit, ju lutem?
Where is the bus station, please? (formal) Ku është stacioni i autobuzit, ju lutem?
Where is the nearest bank machine/ATM, please? (formal) Ku është bankomati më i afërt, ju lutem?
Where is an internet café, please? (formal) Ku është kafe interneti, ju lutem?
Where is a telephone, please? Ku mund të marr në telefon?
Where can I get a taxi? Ku mund të marr një taksi?
Straight ahead Drejt, përpara.
Right Djathtas
Left Majtas
Entrance Hyrje
Exit Dalje
At the corner Në qoshe.
After the stoplight Pas semaforit.
Across from the hotel Përballë hotelit.
Behind the church. Prapa kishës.
In front of the mosque. Përpara xhamisë.
Next Tjetri
First (masculine) I Pari
First (feminine) E Para
Last (masculine) I Fundit
Last (feminine) E Fundit