1: Basic Albanian Phrases

This page corresponds to the 1st page of the printed booklet

This page contains audio for each of the phrases in Basics: the first page of the booklet. There is also a single audio file you can download and listen to that has the English and the Albanian all in one, so that you can listen on the go. I recommend listening to the audio with the booklet in hand!

English Albanian Audio
Hello. Tungjatjeta. .
Goodbye. Mirupafshim. .
Yes. Po. .
No. Jo. .
Good. Mirë. .
Please/You’re welcome. (formal) Ju lutem. .
Please/You’re welcome. (informal) Të lutem. .
Good morning. (til 11:00) Mirëmëngjes. .
Good afternoon. (after 11:00) Mirëdita. .
Good evening. Mirëmbrëma. .
Good night. Natën e mirë. .
Small. I vogël. (masculine); E vogël. (feminine) No audio available
Big. I madh. (masculine); E madh. (feminine) No audio available
Open. Hapur. No audio available
Closed. Mbyllur. No audio available
Pull. Tërhiqe. No audio available
Push. Shtyje. No audio available
How are you? (formal) Si jeni? .
How are you? (informal) Si je? .
Excellent. Shkëlqyeshëm. .
Good, thanks, and you? (formal) Mirë faleminderit, po ju? .
Good, thanks, and you? (informal) Mirë faleminderit, po ti? .
Thank you. Faleminderit. .
Thank you very much. Faleminderit shumë. .
Very well, thanks. Shumë mirë, faleminderit. .
See you tomorrow. Shihemi nesër. .
See you later. Shihemi më vonë. .
Cheers! Gëzuar! .
Sorry! Më fal! .
May I? A mundem? .
Do you speak English? A flisni Anglisht? .
A little. Pak. .
I don’t speak Albanian. Unë nuk flas Shqip. .
(I) don’t speak Albanian. Nuk flas Shqip. .
I only speak a little Albanian. Unë flas vetëm pak Shqip. .
(I) only speak a little Albanian. Flas vetëm pak Shqip. .
I understood. Kuptova. .
I don’t understand. Nuk Kuptoj. .
I don’t understand. (short form) s’Kuptoj. .
Could you say that again, please? (formal) Mund ta përsërisësh prap, ju lutem? .
Could you say that again, please? (informal) Mund ta përsërisësh prap, të lutem? .
Could you speak more slowly, please? (formal). Mund të flasësh pak më ngadalë, ju lutem? .
Could you speak more slowly, please? (informal). Mund të flasësh pak më ngadalë, të lutem? .
Could you write that down, please? (formal) Mund ta shkruash ju lutem? .
Could you write that down, please? (informal) Mund ta shkruash të lutem? .
My bag was stolen! Më kanë vjedhur çantën! .
My wallet was stolen! Më kanë vjedhur kuletën! .
My passport was stolen! Më kanë vjedhur pasaportën! .
I need a doctor! Kam nevojë për një doktor! .
Call the police! Thirr policinë! .
(often abbreviated s.v.p. in written French)