The Russian alphabet has 33 letters, including 10 vowels, 21 consonants and the hard and soft signs.
Online dictionaries:
I found no bilingual dictionaries that I really liked. These were the best of what I found.
Freedict 2 way English Russian dictionary has a lot of entries and is easy to use.
James E. Rivard has made an incredibly extensive English to Russian online talking Dictionary he has over 10 000 words recorded! He also has a good page of Russian links.
If you can't cuss and swear in Russian, you ain't dermo! (The Alternative Dictionaries project) You can also buy the book Dermo! from Amazon, for more colorful language.
Whether you are travelling to Russia, learning the language, or almost any other needs, you will need a dictionary. Buy the
Pocket Oxford Russian Dictionary if you need something portable.
It has more than 70,000 words and phrases and is supposed to be the most up-to-date and comprehensive dictionary of its size.
For studying at home, or learning the language, buy Katzner's Dictionary for US English and the
Oxford Dictionary for British English. Both are very highly rated and popular with students.