Phrases for Around Town

Note: means that audio is not available for that word or phrase.

How much does that cost?Wieviel kostet das?
The menu please!Die Speisekarte bitte!
Could we please pay?Können wir bitte zahlen?
Do you have aything cheaper?Haben Sie etwas billigeres?
Do you accept credit cards?Kan man mit Kreditkarte zahlen?
Where are the toilets?Wo sind die Toiletten?
Men / WomenHerren / Damen
Where is the nearest bank, please?Wo ist die nächste Bank, bitte?
Where is a telephone, please?Wo ist ein Telefon, bitte?
Where is the nearest ATM, please?
(bank machine)
Wo ist der nächste Geldautomat, bitte?
Where is the post office, please? Wo ist die Post, bitte?
Where is the train(bus) station, please?Wo ist der Bahnhof(Busbahnhof), bitte?
Where is an internet cafˇ, please?Wo ist ein Internet Cafˇ, bitte?
Where can I get a taxi?Wo kann ich ein Taxi bekommen?
Straight ahead.Geradeaus
Take a right. (walking)Gehen Sie rechts. (formal)
Take a left. (driving)Fahren Sie links. (formal)
After the stoplight.Nach der Ampel.
Across from (the hotel).Gegenüber vom (Hotel.)
Next, First, Last Nächste, Erste, Letzte
Entrance, Exit (walking)Eingang, Ausgang
Entrance, Exit (driving)Einfahrt, Ausfahrt
At the corner.An der Ecke.
Behind (the church).Hinter (der Kirche).
In front of (the museum).Vor (dem Museum).
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German Phrases

If you need to Learn German Fast, we recommend the German Courses from Languagetrainers. Cities avialable are:

Schau ins Land is a monthly audio and print magazine on a variety of topics delivered on CDs along with accompanying booklets. The format is a little much for beginners, but once you're able to understand some of the language, this is probably one of the best methods of learning, next to having willing native speakers around! In addition to the magazine stories, there is music with the lyrics in the booklets, and a vocabulary section that covers the vocabulary that is used in the articles to better help you understand what you are hearing and reading. Subscribe
- highly recommended

Read Mark Twain's wonderfully sarcastic essay on The Awful German Language.

Deutche Welle has all sorts of German content, but most importantly, they have a great Learning German language section.

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