Phrases for Around Town

Note: means that audio is not available for that word or phrase.

Differences between American and European Spanish are highlighted in this color.

American SpanishEuropean Spanish
How much does that cost?¿Cuánto cuesta?¿Cuánto cuesta?
Could we get the menu please?¿Nos trae la carta, por favor?¿Nos trae la carta, por favor?
A beer pleaseUna cerveza, por favorUna cerveza, por favor
Could I get a beer please?¿Me sirve una cerveza, por favor? (more polite)¿Me sirve una cerveza, por favor? (more polite)
(I would like) the bill, please.¿(Me trae) la cuenta, por favor?¿(Me trae) la cuenta, por favor?
Do you have anything cheaper?¿Tiene usted algo más barato?¿Tiene usted algo más barato?
Do you accept credit cards?¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de credito?¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de credito?
Where are the toilets?¿Dónde están los baños/los sanitarios?¿Dónde están los servicios? (servicios=aseos=lavabos)
Men / Womencaballeros / señorascaballeros / señoras
Where is the (nearest) bank, please?¿Dónde está el banco (más cercano), por favor?¿Dónde está el banco (más cercano), por favor?
Where is the post office, please?¿Dónde está la oficina de correos, por favor?¿Dónde está la oficina de correos, por favor?
Where is the train station, please?¿Dónde está la estación de trenes, por favor?¿Dónde está la estación de trenes, por favor?
Where is the bus station, please?¿Dónde está la estación de autobuses, por favor?¿Dónde está la estación de autobuses, por favor?
Where is the tourist office, please?¿Dónde está la oficina de turismo, por favor?¿Dónde está la oficina de turismo, por favor?
Where is the Lost & Found office, please?¿Dónde está la oficina de objetos perdidos, por favor?¿Dónde está la oficina de objetos perdidos, por favor?
Where is a bank machine/ATM, please?¿Dónde hay un cajero automático, por favor?¿Dónde hay un cajero automático, por favor?
Where is a telephone, please?¿Dónde hay un teléfono, por favor?¿Dónde hay un teléfono, por favor?
Where is an internet café, please?¿Dónde hay un café internet, por favor?¿Dónde hay un café internet, por favor?
Where can I get a taxi?¿Dónde puedo tomar un taxi?¿Dónde puedo coger un taxi?
Straight aheadTodo Derecho.Todo recto.
At the cornerEn la esquinaEn la esquina
Behind (the church)Detrás de (la iglesia.)Detrás de (la iglesia.)
After the stoplightDespués del semáforo.Después del semáforo.
In front of the museumDelante del museo.Delante del museo.
on the righta la derechaa la derecha
on the lefta la izquierdaa la izquierda
Across from the hotelEnfrente del hotel.Enfrente del hotel.
nextsiguiente (or) próximasiguiente (or) próxima

Spanish Phrases

You can view the Spanish Course here, but it's still being edited.

Read about Greg and Nikki's travels through Spain and South and Central America! You might just pick up some pointers that make your trip there easier. Greg is an incredible resource for Drupal programming and if he wasn't a damed good Spanish speaker already, he will be more than that by the time their trip is done!

Puerta del Sol is a monthly audio and print magazine on a variety of topics delivered on CDs along with accompanying booklets. The format is a little much for beginners, but once you're able to understand some of the language, this is probably one of the best methods of learning, next to having willing native speakers around! In addition to the magazine stories, there is music with the lyrics in the booklets, and a vocabulary section that covers the vocabulary that is used in the articles to better help you understand what you are hearing and reading. Subscribe
- highly recommended

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